SCD-0025-2DScanner Documentation
SCD-0025-2DScanner is a generic Scorpion Camera Driver for resampling, sdading correction and stitching 2D images from any standard Scorpion Camera Driver.
It is a very sophisticated piece of software, that enables an extremely powerful alternative to linescan cameras. The driver works in it own high-priorty thread.
Important use cases are:
Grabbing a sequence of image at very high speed
With or without overlap
for multiple cameras
Making a wide image stiching multiple cameras
with or without
shading correction
image resampling to correct for distortion
Dynamically change the the resampling plane for each trigger
changing the resampling matrix dynamically
Keeping multiple images from different cameras in sync
dropping images not arriving within a specfied timeout limit
Stiching color images in real-time
It is included with Scorpion Vision Installer and located in the Scorpion Runtime
The Scorpion Vision Software must be version XII or higher.
Release notes provide reference camera driver’s version.
More information about Scorpion Camera Drivers.